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interests ] [ Teaching ] [ Publications and preprints ] [ Presentations at conferences ]
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| Johan Öinert
PhD and Reader in Mathematics
(På svenska: Teknologie doktor och docent i matematik)
Professor of Mathematics |
Contact info
Research interests
- Non-commutative algebra: Crossed products [1] [2] and more
generally graded rings [3]
[4] [5]. Ore extensions [6]. Leavitt path algebras/rings.
- Dynamical systems: Minimal dynamical systems and groupoid C*-dynamical systems.
- The interplay between dynamical systems and C*-algebras, and various algebraic constructions.
- Crossed product Banach algebras. (More details here.)
- Mathematical biology. Cryptography. Mathematical Foundations of AI.
Click here to see the Wordle image generated from my thesis abstract.
- Icke-kommutativ algebra: Korsprodukter och graderade ringar i största allmänhet. Ore-utvidgningar. Leavitt path algebror/ringar.
- Dynamiska system: Minimala dynamiska system och gruppoid C*-dynamiska system.
- Samspelet mellan dynamiska system och C*-algebror, och diverse algebraiska konstruktioner.
- Banach-korsprodukter. (Mer detaljer här.)
- Matematisk biologi. Kryptografi. Matematiska grunder för AI.
En populärvetenskaplig beskrivning på svenska kommer postas här, i sinom tid...
I am a member of the research group in Algebra and Geometry at Blekinge Institute of Technology
In the past, I have been a member of the research groups in Non-commutative Geometry and Applications respectively Algebra, at Lund University (2012-2014),
the research group in Non-commutative Geometry
within the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation
at the University of
the research group in Non-commutative Geometry and Applications
at Lund University
and the research group in
Algebra and Geometry at the University of Antwerp
My favourite open problems
A common belief (amongst non-mathematicians) is that mathematics is a finished subject, that there is nothing more to explore.
However, the real situation is quite the opposite. There are plenty of important problems
that are open in the sense that noone has been able to solve them.
Here is a list of my favourite open problems/conjectures:
- The idempotent/zero-divisor/
unit conjecture for group rings
(Counterexamples to the unit conjecture were provided by Gardam in 2021 resp. 2023. See here and here. See also Murray's paper.)
- The Kadison-Kaplansky conjecture
- The Baum-Connes conjecture
- The Goldbach conjecture
The Kadison-Singer problem, Solved in 2013 by Marcus, Spielman and Srivastava!!!, arXiv:1306.3969 [math.CO]
- Köthe's conjecture
- The Riemann hypothesis
(Shortly, I will try to write out some more details about these problems.)
Students, collaborators, genealogy etc.
My co-authors include
My Erdös number is 4 and my Einstein number is 5 (take a look here!).
- I have been assistant supervisor for Johan
, who was a PhD student at
Lund University.
Johan defended his licentiate thesis on October 5, 2012,
and his doctoral thesis on September 29, 2014.
His PhD thesis, entitled ''Algebraic Properties of Ore Extensions and Their Commutative Subrings'', can be found here.
- I have been a mentor for Sanaz Pooya
, who is a PhD student at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran,
and who was visiting Lund University for 10 months (September 2013-June 2014)
as a guest PhD student with an Erasmus Mundus (SALAM) scholarship.
- I have supervised Bartosz Malman
, who presented his master's thesis,
entitled ''Zero-divisors and idempotents in group rings'',
on August 28, 2014.
The thesis can be downloaded from here.
I have been a mentor for Mai Hoang Bien
, who was a postdoctoral researcher at Blekinge Institute of Technology during 10 months (January 2016-October 2016).
I have been a mentor for Stefan Wagner
, who was a postdoctoral researcher at Blekinge Institute of Technology during 2 years (June 2017-June 2019).
- I have been main supervisor for Daniel Lännström
, who was a PhD student
at Blekinge Institute of Technology.
Daniel defended his licentiate thesis on May 15, 2019,
and his doctoral thesis on September 1, 2021.
His PhD thesis, entitled ''The structure of epsilon-strongly group graded rings'', can be found here.
- I have been a mentor for Samaneh Baghdari
, who is a PhD student at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, and who was visiting Blekinge Institute of Technology for 6 months (September 2018-February 2019) as a guest PhD student.
- I have been a mentor for Natã Machado
, who was a PhD student at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, and who was visiting Blekinge Institute of Technology for 6 months (December 2021-May 2022) as a guest PhD student.
- I have been a mentor for Paula Savana E. Moreira
, who was a PhD student at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, and who was visiting Blekinge Institute of Technology for 6 months (December 2021-May 2022) as a guest PhD student.
In the autumn of 2012, I participated in the Leavitt Path Algebra Seminar
at the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation, University of Copenhagen.
People that I like to keep track of:
Gergely Berczi,
Viola Bruni,
Vladimir Dotsenko,
Alex Engström ,
Ghislain Fourier,
Magnus Goffeng,
Isar Goyvaerts,
Jonas Hartwig,
Daniel Larsson,
Javier Lopez Pena,
Ehud Meir,
Tomas Persson,
Anne Pichereau,
Artur Ruuge,
Karl Rökaeus,
Isar Stubbe,
Christian Svensson,
Jacob Sznajdman,
Bogdan Toader,
Fred Van Oystaeyen,
Autumn 2012: |
Endimensionell analys för V och W, delkurs B1 |
Endimensionell analys för V och W, delkurs B2 |
Spring 2013: |
Matematisk kommunikation för Pi (handledning av två olika projekt) |
Autumn 2013: |
Endimensionell analys för BI, L och V, delkurs B1 |
Endimensionell analys för BI, L och V, delkurs B2 |
Spring 2014: |
Matematisk kommunikation för Pi (handledning av två olika projekt) |
Spring 2015: |
Analys 1 för IE och MT |
Autumn 2015: |
Flervariabelanalys för IE och MT |
Spring 2016: |
Diskret matematik för DS och SP |
Autumn 2016: |
Flervariabelanalys för IE och MT |
Autumn 2017: |
Diskret matematik för DS och SP |
Flervariabelanalys för IE och MT |
Spring 2018: |
Diskret matematik för IE |
Autumn 2021: |
Diskret matematik för AI, DS, IE, ITS, MJ och SP (Online) |
Spring 2022: |
Analys 1 för AI, DS, IE, ITS, MJ, MrT, MT och MTH (Online) |
(AI=AI och maskininlärning, DS=Datorsäkerhet, IE=Industriell ekonomi, ITS=IT-säkerhet (HI), MrT=Marin teknik, MT=Maskinteknik, MTH=Maskinteknik (HI), MJ=Mjukvaruutveckling, SP=Spel- och programvaruteknik)
Publications and preprints
- J. Öinert,
"Connections between Topological Dynamical Systems and Non-Commutative C*-Algebras", v+102 pp.,
Master's Theses in Mathematical Sciences 2005:E35,
ISSN 1404-6342, LUTFMA-3123-2005, Lund University, 2005.
- J. Öinert,
"Ideals and Maximal Commutative Subrings of Graded
Rings", xii+171 pp.,
Doctoral Theses in Mathematical Sciences 2009:5,
ISSN 1404-0034,
LUTFMA-1038-2009, ISBN 978-91-628-7832-0, Lund University, 2009.
If you have trouble accessing any of the papers below,
please send me an e-mail and I will do my best to try to help you!
Accepted papers
- J. Öinert and S. Silvestrov,
''Commutativity and Ideals in
Algebraic Crossed
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 287-302
- J. Öinert and S. Silvestrov,
''On a Correspondence Between
Ideals and
Commutativity in Algebraic Crossed Products'',
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 216-220
- J. Öinert and S. Silvestrov,
''Crossed Product-Like and
Graded Rings'',
Chapter 24 in "Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics,
Physics and Beyond", Silvestrov, S.; Paal, E.; Abramov, V.; Stolin, A. (Eds.), 16pp., Springer (2009) [ publisher's web
site ]
- J. Öinert and S. Silvestrov,
"Commutativity and Ideals in Pre-Crystalline Graded
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 108, No. 3, pp. 603-615
(2009) [ publisher's website ]
- J. Öinert, S. Silvestrov, T. Theohari-Apostolidi and H. Vavatsoulas,
"Commutativity and Ideals in Strongly Graded
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 108, No. 3, pp. 585-602
(2009) [ publisher's website ]
- J. Öinert,
"Simple Group Graded Rings and Maximal
Contemporary Mathematics (American Mathematical Society), Vol. 503, pp. 159-175 (2009)
- J. Öinert and P. Lundström,
"Commutativity and Ideals in Category Crossed
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 59, No. 4,
pp. 338-346 (2010)
- J. Öinert and P. Lundström,
"The Ideal Intersection
Property for Groupoid Graded Rings",
Communications in
Algebra, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1860-1871 (2012) [ publisher's
website ]
- J. Öinert and P. Lundström,
"Miyashita Action in Strongly Groupoid Graded Rings",
International Electronic Journal of
Algebra, Vol. 11, pp. 46-63 (2012)
- P. Lundström and J. Öinert,
"Skew category algebras associated with partially defined dynamical
International Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.
16 (2012) [ publisher's website ]
- J. T. Hartwig and J. Öinert,
"Simplicity and maximal commutative subalgebras of twisted generalized Weyl algebras",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 373, 312-339 (2013) [ publisher's website ]
- J. Öinert, J. Richter and S. Silvestrov,
"Maximal commutative subrings and simplicity of Ore extensions",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1250192, 16 pp. (2013) [ publisher's website ]
- J. Öinert,
"Simplicity of skew group rings of abelian groups",
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 42, No. 2, 831-841 (2014). [ publisher's website ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Simple skew category algebras associated with minimal partially defined dynamical systems",
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A), Vol. 33, No. 9, 4157-4171 (2013) [ publisher's website ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Simple rings and degree maps",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 401, 201-219 (2014) [ publisher's website ]
- D. Gonçalves, J. Öinert and D. Royer,
"Simplicity of partial skew group rings with applications to Leavitt path algebras and topological dynamics",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 420, 201-216 (2014) [ publisher's website ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Simple semigroup graded rings",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 14, No. 7, 1550102, 10 pp. (2015) [ publisher's website ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Outer partial actions and partial skew group rings",
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 67, No. 5, 1144-1160 (2015) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt, J. Öinert and J. Richter,
"Non-associative Ore Extensions",
Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 224, No. 1, 263-292 (2018) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- Mai Hoang B. and J. Öinert,
"Quasi-duo differential polynomial rings",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 17, No. 4, 11 pp. (2018) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- J. Öinert,
"Bimodules in group graded rings",
Algebras and Representation Theory, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1483-1494 (2017) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt, J. Öinert and H. Pinedo,
"Artinian and noetherian partial skew groupoid rings",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 503, 433-452 (2018) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt, J. Öinert and H. Pinedo,
"Epsilon-strongly graded rings, separability and semisimplicity",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 514, 1-24 (2018) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- V. Beuter, D. Gonçalves, J. Öinert and D. Royer,
"Simplicity of skew inverse semigroup rings with applications to Steinberg algebras and topological dynamics",
Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 31, No. 3, 543-562 (2019) [ publisher's website ]
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt, J. Öinert and H. Pinedo,
"Epsilon-strongly groupoid-graded rings, the Picard inverse category and cohomology",
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 62, 233-259 (2020)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt, J. Öinert and J. Richter,
"Simplicity of Ore monoid rings",
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 530, 69-85 (2019)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Group gradations on Leavitt path algebras",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 19, No. 9, 16 pp. (2020)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Simple graded rings, non-associative crossed products and Cayley-Dickson doublings",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 19, No. 12, 22 pp. (2020)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Nystedt and J. Öinert,
"Strongly graded Leavitt path algebras",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 21, No. 7, 9 pp. (2022)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- J. Öinert and S. Wagner,
"Complex group rings and group C*-algebras of group extensions",
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Vol. 58, 387-397 (2023)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
D. Lännström and J. Öinert,
"Graded von Neumann regularity of rings graded by semigroups",
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Vol. 65, 13-21 (2024)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
P. Lundström, J. Öinert and J. Richter,
"Non-unital Ore extensions",
Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 172, No. 2, 217-229 (2023)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
P. Lundström and J. Öinert,
"Simplicity of Leavitt path algebras via graded ring theory",
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 108, No. 3, 428-437 (2023)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
P. Lundström and J. Öinert,
"Corrigendum: Group gradations on Leavitt path algebras",
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 23, No. 6, 3 pp. (2024)
S. Baghdari and J. Öinert,
"Pure semisimple and Köthe group rings",
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 51, No. 7, 2779-2790 (2023)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
K. Lorensen and J. Öinert,
"Generating numbers of rings graded by amenable and supramenable groups",
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 109, No. 1, e12826 (2024)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- D. Bagio, D. Gonçalves, P. S. E. Moreira and J. Öinert,
"The ideal structure of partial skew groupoid rings with applications to topological dynamics and ultragraph algebras",
Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1081-1117 (2024)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- J. Öinert,
"Units, zero-divisors and idempotents in rings graded by torsion-free groups",
Journal of Group Theory, Vol. 27, No. 4, 789-811 (2024)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. S. E. Moreira and J. Öinert,
"Prime groupoid graded rings with applications to partial skew groupoid rings",
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 52, No.7, 3134-3153 (2024)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- P. Lundström, J. Öinert, L. Orozco and H. Pinedo,
"Very good gradings on matrix rings are epsilon-strong",
To appear in Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Vol. 73, No. 1, 40-48 (2025).
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
D. Lännström, P. Lundström, J. Öinert and S. Wagner,
"Prime group graded rings with applications to partial crossed products and Leavitt path algebras",
To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol. 229, No. 1, 107842 (2025)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
N. Machado, J. Öinert and S. Wagner,
"Non-Abelian extensions of groupoids and their groupoid rings",
To appear in Applied Categorical Structures, Vol. 33, Article no. 5 (2025)
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
Publications on mathematics education
- J. Öinert,
"Planning and implementing mathematics lectures for first-year university students - 30 tips and tricks",
Chapter 1 in "Improving University Science Teaching and Learning - Pedagogical Projects 2012", Vol. 5, No. 1,
Ulriksen, L; Sølberg, J; Wase Hansen, H. (Eds.), pp. 3-17, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen (2013)
A. Tarizadeh and J. Öinert,
"Homogeneity in commutative graded rings".
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
- K. Lorensen and J. Öinert,
"Rank conditions and amenability for rings associated to graphs", submitted.
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
P. Bäck, P. Lundström, J. Öinert and J. Richter,
"Ore extensions of abelian groups with operators", submitted.
[ Preprint available @ arXiv ]
more coming soon...
Partial lists of my articles can be found on the arXiv, the Zentralblatt MATH and the MathSciNet.
Google scholar keeps track of citations of my articles.
Presentations and attendances at conferences, workshops and
- 3rd Øresund Symposium in Non-commutative Analysis
and Non-commutative Geometry,
January 30, 2004, Lund, Sweden
- Erasmus Intensive Program in Geometric and Algebraic Methods
in Physics and Applications,
September 4-15, 2005, Antwerp, Belgium
- Lie Days in Martina Franca, "Flags, Quivers and Invariant Theory
in Lie Representation Theory",
May 22-27, 2006, Martina Franca (Taranto), Italy
- Socrates Intensive Program in Geometric and Algebraic Methods
in Physics and Applications,
September 4-18, 2006, Antwerp, Belgium
- International Congress: New Techniques in Hopf Algebras and Graded
September 19-23, 2006, Brussels, Belgium
- Algebra, Geometry & Mathematical Physics, Baltic-Nordic Network
October 12-14, 2006, Lund, Sweden
(Gave a talk.)
- Operator Methods in Fractal Analysis, Wavelets and Dynamical
December 2-7, 2006, Banff, Canada
(Gave a talk.)
- Algebraic and Geometric Representation Theory (AGLT),
Århus, Denmark,
25-29, 2007
- Socrates Intensive Program in Geometric & Algebraic Methods with
Applications in Physics,
Antwerpen, Belgium, August 27-September 9, 2007
- International Conference on Noncommutative Rings and Geometry in
Honour of
60th Birthday of Freddy Van Oystaeyen,
Almeria, Spain,
September 18-23,
- Workshop on Interpolation Theory,
Lund, Sweden,
October 8, 2007
(Gave a talk.)
- Algebra, Geometry & Mathematical Physics, Baltic-Nordic Network
Sweden, October 11-13, 2007
(Gave a talk.)
- Svenska Matematikersamfundets Höstmöte,
Växjö, Sweden, November
30-December 1, 2007
- LieGrits Workshop,
Oxford, UK, January 3-9, 2008
- EMS Joint Mathematical Weekend,
Copenhagen, Denmark, February 29-March
- 5th Øresund Symposium on Non-commutative Analysis
and Non-commutative Geometry,
Copenhagen, Denmark, April 10, 2008
(Gave a talk.)
- The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Professor Gunnar
May 8-9, 2008
- Summer School: 'Symbolic Dynamics and Homeomorphisms of the Cantor
Copenhagen, Denmark, June 23-27, 2008
- 5th European Congress of
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 14-18, 2008
- Operator Structures and Dynamical Systems,
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 21-25, 2008 (Gave a talk.)
- Algebra, Geometry & Mathematical Physics, Baltic-Nordic Network
Tartu, Estonia, October 9-11, 2008 (Gave a talk.)
- Nordic-Öresund workshop: INANGA, "Inequalities, Interpolation, Non-commutative Analysis, Non-commutative Geometry and
Lund, Sweden, November 17-18, 2008 (Gave a talk.)
- Svenska Matematikersamfundets Höstmöte,
Linköping, Sweden, November 28-29, 2008 (Gave a talk.)
- Socrates Intensive Program in Geometric & Algebraic Methods with Applications in
Antwerpen, Belgium, July 6-19, 2009
- PhD thesis defense,
Lund, Sweden, August 17, 2009
[The thesis may be downloaded here!]
- Topics in Mathematical Physics and Operator Algebra,
September 7, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark (Gave a talk.)
- Master Class on Von Neumann Algebras and Group
January 25-29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Workshop on Von Neumann Algebras and Group Actions,
February 1-5, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
- NestFest - Conference in Honor of Ryszard Nest's 60th
September 2-5, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Intensive Program on Interpolation and Non-commutative
September 30-October 5, 2010, Lund, Sweden
- Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and
October 8-10, 2010, Banff, Canada
- Algebra, Geometry & Mathematical Physics, Baltic-Nordic Network
October 25-31, 2010, Tjärnö, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and
March 27-April 2, 2011, Oberwolfach, Germany
- Joint Oslo-Trondheim operator algebra seminar,
May 30-31,
2011, Trondheim, Norway (Gave a talk.)
- Hopf
algebras and tensor categories,
July 4-8, 2011, Almeria, Spain
- NordForsk Network Junior Workshop: Operator algebras and
dynamical systems,
September 14-17, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Workshop in honor of Kirchberg's 65th
November 10-13, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Master Class on The Nuclear Dimension of C*-algebras,
November 14-18, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Workshop: Matematiken i
civilingenjörsutbildningarna - Ett seminarium tillägnat
Lars-Christer Böiers i samband med hans pensionering,
November 16, 2011, Lund, Sweden
- NordForsk Network Closing Conference: Operator algebras and dynamical
May 15-20, 2012, Gjógv, Faroe Islands (Gave a talk.)
- Mini-workshop: Commutative subalgebras, ideals and actions
July 23-24, 2012, Lund, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- 26th Nordic and 1st European-Nordic Congress of Mathematicians (Dedicated to the memory of Lars Hörmander)
June 10-13, 2013, Lund, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Banach Algebras and Applications,
July 29 - August 4, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Masterclass on Ergodic Theory and von Neumann algebras,
October 14-18, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Öresundsdagen om grundkurser i matematik på universitet och högskolor,
October 23, 2013, Lund, Sweden
- Docentföreläsning, PDF coming soon.
December 12, 2013, Lund, Sweden
- Análise funcional geométrica e ações de grupos,
February 19-21, 2014, Florianópolis, Brazil (Gave a talk.)
- The Renaissance Combinatorics Seminar,
April 29, 2014, Helsinki, Finland (Gave a talk.)
- The 8th Øresund symposium on non-commutative analysis and non-commutative geometry,
May 15, 2014, Lund, Sweden
- Den 12:e Sydostkonferensen om matematik,
August 25, 2015, Karlskrona, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- The 2nd Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings (FloripaDynSys II),
December 11-12, 2015, Florianópolis, Brazil (Gave a talk.)
- Brauer groups, Hopf algebras and monoidal categories,
in honour of Stef Caenepeel on the occasion of his 60th birthday,
May 23-27, 2016, Turin, Italy
- Kleindagarna @ Institute Mittag-Leffler,
June 10-12, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Den 13:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 25, 2016, Växjö, Sweden
- The MAM seminar,
October 26, 2016, Västerås, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- The joint UCL-ULB-VUB seminar on quantum groups, Hopf algebras and monoidal categories,
February 20, 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Gave a talk.)
- The 3rd Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration, Tilings and Graph Algebras (FloripaDynSys III),
March 20-24, 2017, Florianópolis, Brazil (Gave a talk.)
- Installationsföreläsning (Eng: Inaugural lecture),
May 18, 2017, Karlskrona, Sweden
- Den 14:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 22, 2017, Karlskrona, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Algebraic Structures, in honour of Dmitrii S. Silvestrov on the occasion of his 70th birthday,
October 4-6, 2017, Västerås and Stockholm, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Den 15:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 28, 2018, Växjö, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- The 1st SNAG meeting,
September 27-28, 2018, Linköping, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Den 2:a Öresundsdagen om grundkurser i matematik på universitet och högskolor,
October 31, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Conference: SYM 10 Years Old,
June 24-28, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Den 16:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 30, 2019, Karlskrona, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- The 2nd SNAG meeting,
October 17-18, 2019, Karlskrona, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Richard Kadison and his mathematical legacy - A memorial conference,
November 29-30, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Den 17:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 25, 2020, Online
- The 3rd SNAG meeting,
September 24-25, 2020, Online (Gave a talk.)
- Danish-Norwegian workshop on Operator Algebras,
November 25-28, 2021, Trondheim, Norway
- The 4th SNAG meeting,
December 2-3, 2021, Online (Gave a talk.)
Operator algebras, dynamics and groups (ICM 2022 satellite conference),
July 1-4, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
The second ANTIPODE workshop - A workshop on (partial) representations and related topics,
September 12-13, 2022, Brussels, Belgium (Gave a talk.)
- Den 18:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
October 28, 2022, Växjö, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Den 3:e Öresundsdagen om grundkurser i matematik på universitet och högskolor,
November 2, 2022, Lund, Sweden
- The 5th SNAG meeting,
March 28-29, 2023, Västerås, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- The Quantum Symmetries Workshop,
February 7-10, 2024, Warsaw, Poland
- The 6th SNAG meeting,
March 21-22, 2024, Linköping, Sweden (Gave a talk.)
- Den 19:e Sydostkonferensen i matematik,
August 20, 2024, Karlskrona, Sweden
- Den 4:e Öresundsdagen om grundkurser i matematik på universitet och högskolor,
November 6, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
- The 7th SNAG meeting,
March 27-28, 2025, Karlskrona, Sweden
I am a permanent member of the Swedish Mathematical Society and a member of the Lund
Mathematical Society.
- Mathematical museums
- Mathematical research institutes
- Blogs
- Some mathematicians
- Useful stuff
- Travel
- Other
Last modified: Thursday, 27th February, 2025 @ 12:29pm (CET)